99 livré Xbox360 KINECT + 3 jeux (KINECT ADVENTURES, GUNSTRINGER et FRUIT NINJA) ! - commentaires 99 livré Xbox360 KINECT + 3 jeux (KINECT ADVENTURES, GUNSTRINGER et FRUIT NINJA) ! 2012-07-17T09:07:50Z http://www.planetenumerique.com/bons-plans/99-livre-Xbox360-KINECT-3-jeux.html#comment11442 2012-07-17T09:07:50Z <p>I can't believe pepole are still arguing over this. BOTH Kinect and Move are heavily flawed and to be honest, a little bit crap. This kind of tech has been around since the days of the NES and it's still not perfected, i doubt it ever will be. I bought The Fight' for Move hoping for an adult experience and it was garbage. I bought this, again hoping for a decent game, but it's broken. The so-called core' games aren't happening, Child Of Eden is the best so far, but still better with a pad.</p>